
Monday, July 26, 2010

how do you take your rig?

So it's Monday ... but don't let that stop you from looking for adventure! I came across something rather neat recently, courtesy of my pal Gareth who happened to be part of this interesting rowing/ science experiment. It involves rigging, i.e. the order/ placement of the riggers on the boat. You've got some rather standard and traditional rigging styles that you see on about 95% of boats. But then there are the "different" ones. Mostly known as a bucket or the Italian rig, it consists of having usually two rowers of the same side directly in front/ behind each other. But Imperial College Boat Club took that to a new extreme in an 8+ recently. The full explanation appears in "The New Scientist" (not sure if this is only in the UK or not) but for an explanation you can just head over to Imperial's website:

The photo above is of the crew putting their experiment to the test. I'll be honest- I'm kind of glad that's a boat I didn't get to cox? Either way it's pretty cool to see rowing mixing with science. So check out the article (and the research behind it if you'd like) .... happy reading!

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