
Thursday, April 29, 2010

On the other side of the world...

Well, I made it! A little later than I'd hoped for but I made it none the less! So my flight was uneventful. I have a nice little temporary flat in Holland Park (think Rittenhouse for the Philly people) and have decided that Leander & Henley are GORGEOUS! But back to the adventure updates...

So on day 1 I was so productive (yes, I am so proud of myself). I successfully opened a bank account and in a few days I should have a bank card. I almost secured a job at Whole Foods in Kensington (nicest store ever!) and that should hopefully be done within a few days- cross your fingers people. London/ the UK is an expensive place and I need money! Just to survive and pay my bills...

I got an oyster card... basically a transit pass and have been using the tube (almost) like the rest of the people who live in this city. I can't seem to get my internet to work though in my flat (I'm sitting in McDonald's right now as I'm writing this because they have free wi-fi...) and I need to unlock my iphone so I can get a british number and stop paying exorbitant charges to access the web, call, text, blah blah blah. We'll see if that works. Ps, I just ate a McFlurry and I feel ill. Fast food = yuck.

Today started with quite the adventure. I got up at 5am to catch the bus to the tube to catch a train to Henley for 7:30 practice. Well I missed my train... and got the next one but I was going to be late. What a nice first impression. I somehow made it a little late but caught everyone and biked back and forth along the GORGEOUS racecourse. The day started off rather crappy but I managed to salvage it and then got some errands in and figured out that I still don't have internet at my flat and I need to jail break my iphone or cough up 450 pounds for a new one (I don't think so...) Craigslist anyone? We'll see how that goes.

Alright, I know that was a lot but, well a lot has happened since my last post and I wanted to share. That's all until tomorrow folks. Remember, adventure is out there !

1 comment:

  1. Yea! I'm glad you made it safe and sound! Send me an e-mail with your address so I send you a goody box full of American goodness! Miss you and can't wait to see you rise to your full potential!!
