
Monday, August 29, 2011

attention rowers, start your engines!!!

It’s time to start your engines…. That’s if you’re wearing “USA” or “GBR” or “CAN” or whatever nation you’re representing at the World Champs right now. Racing has started and there have been some good ones! While I wish I was in Bled right now (so beautiful! Dubbed “the land of castles”) the next best place is Henley to get ready for another round of fun. As I spent my lazy Sunday keeping tabs on all the racing I was struck with how “connected” I feel with the rowing. Let me explain. For a long time I’ve dreamed of being an Olympian or representing my country and achieving the highest honors in my sport. As a result I passionately followed the national team and tried to keep tabs on what was going on in the world of international rowing. And who doesn’t do that? Every young athlete dreams of superstardom and being the best and we all find idols and heroes and follow the best.  But this year it’s different.
This year I’m struck with how many people I know that are racing in Bled. There are so many people that I’m friends with- some of my closest even- that are racing for the title of “world’s best” and getting ready for the Olympics.  And unlike in years past, I feel so in tune with it all. It’s hard to articulate.  Maybe it’s because I’m really part of that scene- coxing at Leander opens doors… big ones. Just the magnitude by which I improved my coxing skills in a year alone is impressive but the pink palace does more than just make you better at rowing or coxing. You get to know important people. You get to interact and train with the best and it brings you so much closer to attaining your dreams.  You just make that step up to being part of such a tiny group of athletes in rowing, in the world. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking. Maybe. Or maybe it’s because not yet, but someday I’m going to be there with them too. Of course a long shot but those are the best kind of accomplishments- the ones that you had to work so hard to get. I know I have so much work to do still but I’m in the best place in the world right now and all I can do it take that advantage and work hard. "Unthinkably good things can happen, even late in the game. It's such a surprise." Keep dreaming people, keep dreaming...
BIG THANK YOU to Jamie Redman (US w8+) for the photo of the US m8+ on the start line, knicked from FB
To follow the World Champs I recommend the following websites: (just search @worldrowing and you’ll find tons of people tweeting from Bled)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I'm on vacation

It's a classic saying, "I'm on vacation". Everyone's used it and used it to rationalize everything from overspending to eating that whole bar of chocolate when you exactly how many calories are in it .... don't deny it. You've done it. And I'll be candid and say that I was a (cute) piglet while "on vacation" over the summer. Granted, I DID still train- running, cycling, swimming, yoga- but when you spend 8+ hours a day with cheese, chocolate, crackers, and olives it gets hard sometimes no matter how strong willed one is.  So that being said, Mr. Scale claims I'm not as light as I was 2 months ago. (No, I'm not THAT fat...) I'm talking a kilo or so. A couple of pounds. Well under men's weight still and reasonably close to women's min. But I like being skinny (who doesn't?) so I'm on a quest to get back down to the skinny minnie I was at the end of last year. 

To kick it off I'm tracking everything on again and training to keep my metabolism up. A healthy cox is a happy cox. And a happy cox is SO much nicer to be around. That means that I'm not going to give up the occasional treat or indulgence. It's about balance ... something that took me a long time to figure out- I've been to both extremes. Yes, I was the "fat cox" once upon a time but I was also anorexic and neither is pretty (or healthy). So have that piece of chocolate just DON'T eat the whole bar. Otherwise you'll be running a marathon to burn if off. Speaking of chocolate, I'm all out so this calls for a trip to the grocery store. Mmmmmm.... chocolate ... my favorite ...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

What to do when there's no rowing??

Ok, I need to rephrase the title a bit: "what to do when there's no rowing for you?". There has been PLENTY of rowing going on. After HRR I personally didn't have much going on but there were the u23 and Jr World Championships (in which I had a ton of friends participaiting) along with other national and international events to keep track of. Let's not forget all my friends training with their respective squads for the 2011 World Rowing Championships in Bled, Slovenia in only a short week or so.  This is a really important WC because it's Olympic qualification year... yup!

But I'M not going to worlds (sadly, but I'm working on it!) so what to do with my time??? After spending 4 weeks at home I've returned to the UK and have about a week and a half before we start formally training again. Today I find myself sitting on my bed looking out at the rainy-ness that is Saturday afternoon. So I've decided to be erudite! It is my aspiration to go back to grad school for public and international affairs .. and the top programs at schools like Princeton, Harvard, UPenn require superb GRE scores in combination with a myriad of other qualifications such as being a diplomat for example (no, I'm not kidding...).

Without the factor of diplomacy on my side I'll have to work my other qualities and of course, blaze the GRE.  That being said I'm sitting here making vocabulary flashcards, doing online quizzes and trying not to pillorize the people who make me take such exams. So the point of this garrulous post is that just because you don't have any rowing to do doesn't mean that you can't pursue other ambitions. No matter what your ambitions are GO FOR THEM! And have a little fun too! Until next time...

Ps, support the women of the US National team by sponsoring their 2012 Power & Grace calendar (or just buying one). Info can be found on Megan Kalmoe's blog