
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I'm on vacation

It's a classic saying, "I'm on vacation". Everyone's used it and used it to rationalize everything from overspending to eating that whole bar of chocolate when you exactly how many calories are in it .... don't deny it. You've done it. And I'll be candid and say that I was a (cute) piglet while "on vacation" over the summer. Granted, I DID still train- running, cycling, swimming, yoga- but when you spend 8+ hours a day with cheese, chocolate, crackers, and olives it gets hard sometimes no matter how strong willed one is.  So that being said, Mr. Scale claims I'm not as light as I was 2 months ago. (No, I'm not THAT fat...) I'm talking a kilo or so. A couple of pounds. Well under men's weight still and reasonably close to women's min. But I like being skinny (who doesn't?) so I'm on a quest to get back down to the skinny minnie I was at the end of last year. 

To kick it off I'm tracking everything on again and training to keep my metabolism up. A healthy cox is a happy cox. And a happy cox is SO much nicer to be around. That means that I'm not going to give up the occasional treat or indulgence. It's about balance ... something that took me a long time to figure out- I've been to both extremes. Yes, I was the "fat cox" once upon a time but I was also anorexic and neither is pretty (or healthy). So have that piece of chocolate just DON'T eat the whole bar. Otherwise you'll be running a marathon to burn if off. Speaking of chocolate, I'm all out so this calls for a trip to the grocery store. Mmmmmm.... chocolate ... my favorite ...

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